Monday, April 8, 2019

Practicum Week 13

April 8, 2019 - 3 hr.
This afternoon I ventured back out  Burney-Harris- Middle School to conduct interviews for the Technology Administrator Report. I met with two students, two teachers, the SST, and the media specialist. I created a list of questions over the weekend and was prepared as I sat down with each. I interview everyone in the media center with the exception of the two teachers. These interviews took place in the hallway as they didn't have much time.

Overall I believe I now have the information I need to complete a thorough report. The information that I gained, was very helpful in understanding the role the media center plays. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend our standing collaborative meeting at Barrow Elementary with Mr. Seigmund and Mr. Weaver.
On a side note, during my daily collaborative teaching with fourth grade, I introduced the students and the general education teacher to We are currently studying the battles of the Civil War and I located a wonderful timeline on this topic (Civil War timeline by David Stauffer). We have a time when the students come back from specials that we call "Snackivity" since they are eating their snacks. Today's, they needed to examine the timeline and think about what they like about it and what they think should be added to make it better. The students provided some great ideas like including maps and primary source materials. I like the thought of linking the various battles to Google MyMaps.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Practicum Week 12

April 1, 2019 - 2 hrs. 
This afternoon,  Mr. Siegmund and Mr. Weaver had another planning time. This session focused on Mr. Weaver's upcoming social studies unit on the Civil War. Some of the ideas we discussed were using Google MyMaps to create an Underground Railroad map from a location in the southern to Oberlin Ohio and using SeeSaw to have the students do some interactive lessons. We then worked on creating a hyperdoc for this unit.